Our Impact

African and Global Countries Served
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Hours Spent Coaching, Facilitating & Speaking
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Number of Leaders Impacted
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A session with Rachel is always a paradigm shifting experience for me, and cannot recommend her enough for individuals and groups.


Narachi Leadership provides coaching services and leadership training to TheBoardroom Africa (TBR Africa). Since our partnership, Narachi Leadership has successfully delivered Coaching and Leadership training to over 100 TBR Africa members. We at TBR Africa have always been more than satisfied with Rachel Adams and her team’s performance, and have received great feedback from our members who have benefitted from our partnership with Narachi Leadership. We would recommend Narachi Leadership’s services to any organization as we have experienced first-hand the enormous value Rachel and her team makes.

Marcia Ashong
Founder & CEO, TheBoardroom Africa

All I can say is Rachel is brilliant. Various units including Masawara PLC itself have used her and without question the results have been great.

Shingai Mutasa
Chairman, Masawara, Zimbabwe

It was truly magnificent for me to listen to you at the conference. You were correct in saying that many diversity workshops are a waste of time-but yours was not! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.

Joanna Holliday
Principal, Pretoria Boys High School, South Africa

I've been on an 8-year journey with Narachi Leadership. This coaching relationship has been an anchor especially in my career transitions, particularly when I have been faced with moments of truth and challenged on course to my purpose. Deep reflection and clarity of thought have been and continue to be the most valuable consequence on having Rachel walk my journey with me. This has led me to incredible moments of healing, self-actualisation and fully understanding what it means to show up at my best. I am able to more courageously choose the life I desire, be more aware of my shadow and how I make others feel, and authentically own the story of me, professionally and personally. I'm truly grateful for the privilege of learning through your phenomenal gift Rachel. Ngiyabonga.

Zamafuze Ngcobo
HR Leader, South Africa

As a coach, Rachel has exceeded my expectations. Her approach which relies on research and working with you where you are is very effective. This was the first time I felt the results of the personality test she undertook with me was accurate and she provided very important insights for my leadership journey. I also appreciated the other surveys like the values and 360 leadership review which really helped me understand my own short-term ambitions and how my leadership is perceived.

Nathalie Munyampenda
CEO, Kepler, Rwanda

We are very happy to have integrated Rachel’s session on « Becoming aware of your BE-ING in leadership » in our EVE Program, and we find them especially customized for Africa. Her method really helps everyone to unleash her / his potential and become a better leader by helping to focus and adjust posture, language and even emotions. Rachel’s approach is clearly unique and deeply anchored in her observations and experiences.

Anne Thevenet Abitbol
Danone Prospective & New Concepts VP EVE Programme, Editorial & Art director, France

Rachel Adams found a way to lay a foundation and language for our Executive Leadership Team to engage in courageous conversations that will drive inclusivity and effective engagement. She left our team with wonderful mental models, thoughts about bias, some definitions and commitment to build relationships outside of our comfort zones and as a behaviour “to call someone in” versus “calling someone out”. She drove a clear understanding that in order to drive diversity we need to understand inclusion and that there is a moment in understanding BIAS that we do have a choice! Rachel’s style is courageous, caring and stunningly endearing.

Kim Usher
Group HR Director, Illovo Sugar Africa, South Africa

With practical tips and exercises on how to discover oneself more deeply, develop and grow, I found the coaching experience with Rachel extremely valuable. Rachel is very warm but objective in her approach and I appreciated how she balanced these two approaches in our engagements. We were able to very early on form a very comfortable relationship and I found she adapted each session as she got to know me more. She struck me through all our sessions as professional and one that is discreet which is important for executive engagements. The process of scheduling sessions and the responsiveness of her team, made for a really great experience.

Mitwa Ng’ambi
CEO MTN, Cameroon

The Leadership Masterclass is an incomparable class, I wish everyone could attend. It exposes the participants to lively and meaningful learning experiences. Leading Through Personality, Values-Based Leadership, The Neuroscience of Leadership, Communication for Performance, Dealing with Conflict modules have not only provided me with knowledge and skills but improved my productivity and efficiency at my workplace.

Jean Claude Kanyeshyamba
Manager of Student Affairs, Kepler, Rwanda

Our Mission & Approach

We want to create through our coaching, facilitation and speaking engagements, safe and intimate spaces in which people can be unafraid of visiting the questions and finding the answers that can transform them. We want people to fall in love with the work of sitting with themselves and with others so that they can learn deeply and soulfully. We want the weaknesses to be just as ok as the strengths so that we can remove shame from our way of being human with each other. We want to be part of the human effort that is building institutions in which people can love what they do and thrive as they do it. And we are not mushy about it either. We encourage pursuing real strengths in our human efforts, not passion. We believe in both love and power in human relationships. We ultimately encourage the creation of psychological safety in our organizations but we also know that fear has a legitimate role to play in peak performance. We want to be balanced and not extremist in our approach.


Our individual clients tell us our approach has helped them return home to themselves so that they can more intentionally do the work that they came to the earth to do. Our team clients tell us that our approach helps them to understand each other better, to embrace conflict and healthy competition and to be available to the courageous conversations that enable them to continually grow and perform as a collective. We pride ourselves in bringing to our clients honest and courageous work in an effort to make good people the best humans and leaders that they can be.

What We Hold Worthy (Our Values)


A commitment to doing the highest quality work always


Assuming positive intent and holding conversation and energy that adds value to each individual.

Courageous Conversations

Being courageous in facilitating conversations that matter and move the continent forward.


Understanding that even the worst part of people is not who they fully are and embracing opportunities for empathy and teaching.


Being fully present with the idea that we are one with all other forms of life on this planet, including other people, and that in all of our dealings we seek to do no harm to the environment or to others


A commitment to continual learning and being ahead of the curve in terms of personal and team development tools. This means that the commitment to growth and development should begin with us.

Our Massive Transformational Purpose

Until Africa’s Leadership Potential Is Recognised

A deficit of leadership capability in our organizations and in our countries has made our continent synonymous with ‘a crisis of leadership.’ We believe that this deficit is driven by a lack of leadership tools that support leaders in the transformation of themselves, their followers and the systems that they lead. While these tools are widely available, they are often not accessible. We seek to democratize leadership development so that it is available to as many leaders in as many spaces as possible. We know that it is good people who end up becoming bad leaders, and often because they lack the insights and tools to support them in their transformation. We walk this journey ourselves, daily and seasonally engaging with powerful ahas that help us to become better versions of ourselves.

How Are We Trying To Solve This Problem

Narachi Leadership awakens leaders to their strengths and how to apply them authentically, courageously and creatively to their highest cause on this earth. We liberate leaders from learned societal, cultural and organizational patterns that limit their possibilities. Using psychological, neuroscientific and ontological tools we help leaders deepen their personal
mastery so that they can more effectively coordinate action in others and ultimately transform the systems and
environments within which they lead.


We do this through the following modalities:


  • Facilitation of transformative programmes and workshops (webinar & live format)
  • Speaking engagements (online & live format)
  • Coaching (one-on-one & group)
  • Mentorship (The Narachi Mentorship Programme)

Who We Are

Rachel Nyaradzo Adams


Reena Thaker-Desai


Nzube Cynthia Anioke


Tinei Malvin Kawadza



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